4880 Lower Roswell Road
Suite 175
Marietta, GA 30068
Mon - Fri: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday - Closed
Adamark Jewelers & Silversmiths
Marietta, GA 30068
Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday - Closed
We can create any item from a sketch, picture or idea. We can remake an item that you have or we will work with you to design a beautiful heirloom.
Custom Designed for you!
We can use your gold, gem stones, ours or a combination…
Broken Chains, Single Earrings, Diamonds? Anything that you have sitting at home or in the vault gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, vintage and estate jewelry
It Makes No Difference To Us
We’ll even purchase or trade your extra material towards the design…
We will even include a free appraisal with each custom design!
10-karat, 14-karat, 18-karat, 24-karat, 585, 410, 750, Yellow gold, White gold, Pink gold, Rose gold, Platinum, Sterling Silver, Coin Silver, Silver, 925, 800, Vermeil, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Nickel, Stainless Steel, Titanium
Rings, Pendants, Bracelets, Wedding Bands, Earrings, Chains, Signet Rings, Gents, Kids, Tie Tacks, Family Crest Initial, Logo pins, and Wholesale work
A Quick Verbal Non Written Appraisal
We offer FREE verbal appraisals before purchasing anything. We will tell you the approximate value of your items. We will tell you the metal content and inform you as much information as possible. We do not charge anything, until we put it in writing. This kind of appraisal is an approximate amount you may receive for sale, trade in or amount to be appraised for, No Charge, but this is not in writing. This tells you all the important facts you should need to know.
When you come in, please be sure to bring everything you'd like appraised. We must actually see all items, since we are certifying that we have inspected them.
If you have any certification reports such as "GIA Lab", or "EGL"
or and documentation such as original receipt or previous appraisals.
Please Bring These items With You!
In order to protect your fine jewelry, sterling silver, flatware, holloware, estate items, diamonds, crystal, china and collectibles your insurance companies requires an additional rider on your existing policy. These riders are considered "Scheduled Property", and additional premiums may be applied. This is a listed value your insurance company will pay up to for scheduled items. Check your individual policy. The listed value on your appraisal(s) is used to set a ceiling on the amount that the insurance under writer will spend up to replace or duplicate your jewelry or item. The value for claims purposes will be determined at the time of loss. Your detailed appraisal will ensure that the replacement is of equal quality to your original items.
Appraisals over three (3) years old should be re-appraised, because values have changed. Gold, silver and gems have gone up. If loss does occur, insurance is limited to your stated value listed on the appraisal. The company may tell you are under insured, even if you have guaranteed replacement on your home owners. These items are scheduled to a specific amount only, that is what you are paying for. Please remember that even though you may have these policies, you are not covered for loss or damage unless you have your jewelry appraised and scheduled separately and submitted to your insurance company.
We are your full-service Jewelry Store in Marietta GA and whether you need jewelry repair, custom design or appraisal, we are here to help.
4880 Lower Roswell Road, Suite 175 Marietta, GA 30068
(770) 565-6558
Mon-Fri: 10AM - 6PM
Saturday: 10AM - 5PM
Adamark Jewelers & Silversmiths, Inc.
Register now for our Monthly Newsletter for the latest promotions and discount offers!
Offering a wide selection of beautiful jewelry in Marietta, GA. Adamark Jewelers & Silversmiths, Inc offers an excellent array, fine and estate jewelry in gold, silver platinum, vintage jewelry, silver holloware and coins in Marietta, GA.
Parkaire Shopping Center
4880 Lower Roswell Road
Suite 175
Marietta, GA 30068
© Adamark Jewelers & Silversmiths, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Phone 770.565.6558 | Toll Free 844.232.6275 - 1.844.ADAMARK
We will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
We will close at 1PM on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
We will be closed for the Annual Inventory from October 12th through October 19th open again on October 20th.
We will be closed for the Annual Inventory from July 1st through July 7th and back open again on July 8th.
We will be closed for the Annual Inventory from July 1st through July 7th and back open again on July 8th.
Are you ready to elevate your jewelry game to new heights? Look no further! We are thrilled to introduce our new sleek and modern online jewelry store, your ultimate shopping destination for all things fabulous and fashionable. Get ready to discover a stunning array of elegant designs, and statement pieces that will have you shining bright like a diamond. Join us on this glittering journey as we showcase the best in luxury accessories and timeless classics.
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